Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Miranda & Vanessa
Yes..My Mother, Miranda and I ventured into Boston on this crazy hot and humid day to go to the Scooperbowl.  For those of you who don't know what that is I'll tell you... A bunch of vendors come into Boston and each bring 4-5 different flavors of ice cream.  You pay to get through the gates, (proceeds go to the Jimmy Fund) you are given a spoon and your off!!!!  Pushing and squeezing past people to get to the tables where the ice cream is. And all the while hoping some kid (or adult) doesn't slam into you with there melting gooey ice cream. I tasted about four flavors and I was done.  Normally I can do better.  After the craziness of the Scooperbowl we traveled over to Fanuel Hall and did some window shopping.  We went into my favorite store Michal Negrin.  It has all the vintage coolness!  We grabbed a bite to eat and headed back to the train (that we almost missed) only to find out..we weren't going anywhere fast.  There was a brush fire on the tracks and all the trains were delayed..Yay! Thank goodness for commuter rail air conditioner. We definitely would have melted..just like the ice cream.  When we got home I realized I had a little touch of heat stroke..yuck! I felt sick for a good 30 minutes until it passed.  On the way home I stopped by to visit Aidan and water his hydrangeas.  I thought about him a lot today.  I do everyday..but today was a little different. The little boy on the train with brown curly hair, brown eyes and olive skin smiled at me almost as if he knew about him.  I know that sounds crazy..but it happens to me a lot.  Sometimes I daydream about what Aidan would have looked like as a toddler and a teenager.  I guess that's all I'll ever be able to do..Dream.  But that will never keep me from loving him every day.

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